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Shaman Heart - The Sacred Rebel

An Authors Power Journey

 In the Pyramids of Teotihuacan, Mexico  

January 28th - Feb 4th  2023

You’re invited to join us for an extraordinary book collaboration and healing journey:


Welcome Brave Healers. My name is Stephanie Urbina Jones. Jeremy Pajer and I, co-founders of Freedom Folk and Soul, a Transformational Community of the Healing Arts, are honored to be the adventure guides and lead authors of this book and to join forces with badass publisher and CEO of Brave Healer Productions, Laura Di Franco, to bring this inspiring collection of stories to the world in late May of 2023.


This journey is an invitation into a powerful, life-changing, six-month initiation that will awaken your passion and purpose, and transform you into whom you were born to be. Just like John Lennon, Rosa Parks, Cesar Chavez, or Frida Kahlo, within each of us, there is a sacred rebel and a story that longs to be transformed and told.

Your shaman heart knows the way. 


If you're ready to shine the light on your truth then step into this journey of life, death, and rebirth! We are the ones we've been waiting for. Together as a tribe we will travel back in time to this ancient vortex of creation to soak in the great mysteries, charge our shaman's heart, and write and weave magic in the midst of telling the transformational tales of our time. There is no coincidence that you have been called. It's time to share your empowered warrior wisdom with the world.


  • Join a transformational tribe on a journey to becoming an Amazon bestselling author.

  • Walk between the worlds on an 8-day / 7-night healer’s writing retreat and adventure in the ancient pyramids of Teotihuacan, Mexico, where we will come together to write, retreat, and step into our power, passion, and purpose—telling the transformational tales of our time. Each day will be an invitation to awaken the sacred rebel and wise writer within as we dance, drum, dream, feast, breathe and share sacred ceremony.

  • Chisel out your soul, and alchemize your pain into passion, purpose, and wisdom.

  • Learn secrets to becoming an Amazon bestselling author and successful wellness entrepreneur.



This powerful invitation comes to you from Stephanie Urbina Jones, Jeremy Pajer, and Laura Di Franco, CEO of Brave Healer Productions, expert healer, author, and publisher of over 30 bestselling wellness books.


This is a chance to have a powerful, transformational healing journey that will kick off the start of our collaborative book project with a mission to change the world with our brave words.


We’ll start as a group in Mexico with the expert guidance of Stephanie and Jeremy Pajer, Master Toltec teachers, personal freedom coaches, and co-founders of Freedom Folk and Soul, a transformational community of the healing arts, who have created magical, profound experiences and sacred ceremonies for you:


  • Take the Toltec Initiates Journey of Transformation through the Pyramids of Teotihuacan where man becomes God and Divinity returns. 

  • Walk the avenue of the dead and resurrect your shaman’s heart while awakening your sacred rebel. 

  • Meditate under the most sacred temple in all of Teo and drink in the great mystery of life. 

  • Visit the home of Frida Kahlo, a master artist of life and Sacred Rebel. 

  • Take the journey of faith and miracles by visiting the basilica and Virgin Guadalupe Path of Miracles in Mexico City.

  • Walk on fire, break through limiting beliefs, swim in the hot baths and Grutas de Toluntango in the Mountains of Mexico. 

  • Drop into your heart and dream with Toltec Sacred Journey Breathwork and a Sacred Journey Cacao Ceremony.  

  • Dance, pray, drum, and remember who you are and why you’re here. 



The Mythology of Teotihuacan

"Toltec” means “artist” – artist of word, music, form, and color, and most of all, life. The Toltecs of Teotihuacan were priests, scientists, and teachers of the Art of Life. In “Teo times,” they were not so much a tribe as a society of advanced spiritual practitioners. These masters lived and worked in Teo, refining themselves and their practices for hundreds of years. The beautiful murals and awe-inspiring pyramids are testaments to the heights of their attainment. Teo was built to careful specifications to create a place where “men and women become as God,” today.
As with many other sacred spots around the world, Teotihuacan (Teo) combines unique geographic features, sources of spiritual energy, and a tradition of esoteric work by thousands of people over thousands of years. Visitors from all spiritual traditions gain inspiration and feel powerful energy from the pyramids and centers of spiritual study located throughout the huge site. Jeremy and  Stephanie have spent a combined 25 years as Toltec teachers and will guide us to use the symbolism of specific locations around the site to facilitate this process of profound transformation.



We’ll continue through the week, guided by expert writer, author, publisher and healer, Laura Di Franco, who will help us craft our stories and tools into a chapter that comes alive for the reader:


  • Daily Coaching, guidance, and in-person writing classes in Teo with Laura Di Franco, publisher at Brave Healer Productions.

  • Receive Amazon bestseller strategy coaching. 

  • Learn tips about how to create a book that is a business-building tool.

  • Learn tools in authentically marketing and stepping up as a respected wellness entrepreneur.

  • Be coached and guided in how to share your medicine and your wisdom as an author.


Bask in the beautiful, healing accommodations at our resort, The Dreaming House:

  • Enjoy three homemade delicious and nutritious meals a day (Included).• 

  • All food, accommodations, and excursions included. 

  • Built to hold and support transformation.


We’ll return and continue to be guided online throughout the project, with comprehensive Zoom sessions and coaching. A dedicated Facebook group will be our project management container and hub for communication during the project.


You will be lovingly led, guided, coached, and supported by publisher, Laura Di Franco, and her team at Brave Healer Productions, every step of the way, from our sacred YES to writing, to learning the ins and outs of how to share, promote, and launch a bestselling book, to coming together as a transformational tribe with a collective intent to inspire others with our love, words, and wisdom.


Join us and learn how to drop, dream, and awaken the wisdom within, find your story, write your truth, and express your gifts while being supported with our deep dive, in-person and online, but connected. We’ll travel together and deliver a book that will touch and inspire others to step into their wholeness. If you’re ready to become an author, carve out your heart, and be part of a collective highway of dreamers and transformers of our time we’d love to have you.


There will be a total of 25 writers in this book. If your heart is called,

then I encourage you: surrender into the unknown and say yes!



Total Cost of Journey Plus Shaman Heart Collaborative Book Authorship $3999

Early Bird Special $3599 before September 15th


This includes all pre-trip writing coaching and preparation, 8-night 7-days double occupancy accommodations (single available for an additional $500), all meals, teachings, ceremonies, journeys, excursions, and coaching. (Airfares not included)


A non-refundable deposit of $1299 is required to hold your spot on this journey and guarantees authorship in the book. Please send a deposit via PayPal Friend and Family option to (please indicate in memo what it is for)  of mail check to Freedom Folk and Soul, 1213 Fernbank Dr., Madison, TN 37115  (If either method above doesn't work we can take CC for addition 3% charge)


Claim your spot by scheduling your conversation with Stephanie or Jeremy today! 
Email Stephanie  at or call her at 210-378-5897
Email Jeremy at or call him at 615-478-0916


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